White Coating on Tongue The ideal colour for your tongue is a gorgeous shade of pink. It may be oral thrush, a yeast overgrowth that takes place inside the oral cavity, if you notice that some areas of your tongue appear to be coated with a white substance. Of again, it could simply be that your tongue is whitish from not scrubbing it every time you brush your teeth. Do you not do that? You're good to go if the white brushes away. White Patches on Tongue The disorder known as leukoplakia can develop when the tongue has been inflamed, such as through smoking or tobacco use. Every doctor will tell you to give up smoking, but the decision is entirely yours. To be safe and to rule out oral cancer, make an appointment with your dentist if you notice any white areas. Overly Red Tongue Although an excessively red tongue may be a sign of Kawasaki illness, vitamin deficiencies, particularly those involving folic acid or B-12, are considerably more frequently to blame. Simply incorp...